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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Patrap Triloka Taman Siswa

Taman Siswa

Oleh : A’inatul Mardliyah

Ketika mendengar kata sekolah, maka apa yang terlintas dipikiran adalah tempat untuk belajar. Di dalamnya terjadi sebuah proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan oleh guru dengan para siswanya. Guru mengajar dengan berbagai pendekatan dan metode yang telah dirancang sebelumnya. Sedangkan siswa memiliki tanggung jawab untuk patuh terhadap perintah guru dan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas serta kewajibannya dengan baik. Kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas berbanding lurus dengan hasil belajar yang dicapai oleh siswa. Karena kunci dari kegiatan pembelajaran itu terletak pada guru.
Lain halnya dengan sebuah taman, ketika mendengar kata taman, maka yang terlintas dipikiran adalah tempat yang indah nan sejuk dipenuhi dengan warna-warni bunga. Beberapa orang menghabiskan waktu di taman untuk bermain dan bersenda gurau. Taman adalah salah satu alternatif tempat yang digunakan untuk menghilangkan kepenatan. Maka disetiap akhir pekan, taman akan menjadi tempat yang ramai dikunjungi orang. Prespektif orang masih sama, di taman lah tempat yang pas untuk menghibur diri. Maka dari itu, bukan hanya orang dewasa saja yang menyukai taman karena ingin me-refresh otak, tetapi juga anak-anak yang ingin menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga dan teman-temannya sambil bermain di tempat indah yang disebut taman itu.
Lalu apa hubungannya sekolah dengan taman? Di Indonesia, seorang tokoh pendidikan yang dikenal dengan nama Ki Hajar Dewantara mendirikan sebuah sekolah dengan nama Taman Siswa. Taman diartikan sebagai sebuah tempat bermain atau tempat belajar, sedangkan siswa adalah para murid yang belajar. Sekolah dengan nama Taman Siswa ini didirikan untuk warga pribumi pada masa penjajahan agar mereka bisa mengenyam pendidikan seperti halnya para priyayi dan orang-orang Belanda. Dengan prinsip dasar yang disebut sebagai Patrap Triloka. Dalam Patrap Triloka mengandung tiga unsur, dalam bahasa Jawa dikenal sebagai Ing ngarsa sung tulada (di depan memberi teladan), Ing madya mangun karsa (di tengah membangun kemauan/inisiatif), dan Tut wuri handayani (dari belakang mendukung). Dengan prinsip dasar tersebut, Ki Hajar Dewantara ‘memoles’ wajah Indonesia dengan pendidikan.
Dengan pondasi dasar yang dirintis oleh Ki Hajar Dewantara tersebut, seharusnya Indonesia menjadi negara percontohan pendidikan dunia. Sekolah dengan nama Taman Siswa itu menggambarkan bahwa sejatinya sekolah adalah tempat seorang anak mengekspresikan diri dengan segala potensi yang dimilikinya. Belajar dengan cara menyenangkan seperti halnya yang dirasakan saat bermain. Sekolah tidak hanya terpaku dengan tugas-tugas yang membuat siswa semakin terbelenggu kreativitasnya. Tetapi mengajak siswa untuk membangun kreativitas. Guru tidak membatasi dan mengkotak-kotakkan kemampuan siswa tetapi memberikan ruang bagi siswa untuk berkarya. Hal itulah yang diterapkan Finlandia dalam pendidikannya, oleh karena itu Finlandia disebut sebagai negara dengan pendidikan terbaik dunia.
Buku ‘Sekolah Taman Siswa’ yang ditulis oleh Ki Hajar Dewantara dijadikan sebagai buku referensi di Finlandia. Tetapi di Indonesia buku tersebut malah tidak dibaca. Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Bapak Mendikbud, Anies Baswedan dalam pertemuan dengan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota seluruh Indonesia di Jakarta (, 2/12).
Ki Hajar Dewantara telah menyumbangkan banyak hal untuk kemajuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah prinsip dasar yang dipegang teguh oleh para guru di Taman Siswa, yakni Patrap Triloka. Prinsip tersebut bukan hanya bisa diterapkan di internal sekolah, tetapi juga untuk semua pihak. Karena sejatinya pendidikan adalah tanggung jawab bersama. Di manapun posisinya, sebagai pihak pemerintah, masyarakat, guru, dan sebagainya, masing-masing memiliki tanggung jawab yang sama untuk memajukan pendidikan Indonesia. Di depan memberikan contoh atau tauladan yang baik, di tengah memberikan inisiatif, dan di belakang memberikan dorongan.
Dengan pondasi kuat tersebut, sangat disayangkan bila Indonesia saat ini menjadi negara darurat pendidikan. Ada beberapa fakta yang diungkap oleh Pak Anies Baswedan, di antaranya sebanyak 75 persen sekolah di Indonesia tidak memenuhi standar layanan minimal pendidikan, nilai rata-rata kompetisi guru di Indonesia hanya 44,5 yang seharusnya nilai standar kompetensi guru adalah 75, dalam pemetaan dibidang perguruan tinggi Indonesia berada di tingkat 49 dari 50 negara yang diteliti, pendidikan Indonesia masuk dalam peringkat 64 dari 65 negara yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga Programme for International Study Assessment (PISA), dan sebagainya (, 2/12).
Ketika fakta-fakta tersebut terungkap, hendaknya antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat tidak saling menyalahkan. Tapi bekerja sama untuk mengambil langkah tegas untuk mengatasinya. Kurikulum 2013 yang sejak diterapkan telah menuai protes dari beberapa pihak, sudah seharusnya dievaluasi. Pemerintah telah berupaya untuk menanganinya dengan membentuk tim evaluasi kurikulum 2013. Ini menandakan bahwa pemerintah tidak tinggal diam terhadap masalah yang ada. Pemerintah telah berupaya untuk menciptakan iklim positif untuk memajukan pendidikan. Subtansi kurikulum 2013 sejatinya telah sangat bagus, tetapi untuk penerapannya saja yang kurang efektif. Maka dari itu banyak pihak yang memprotes.
Di tengah suasana darurat pendidikan seperti saat ini, prinsip Patrap Triloka hendaknya dipegang teguh. Sehingga semua pihak memiliki tanggung jawab yang sama untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Bersama membangun Indonesia dengan memajukan pendidikan. Jika kurikulum 2013 dalam pengimplementasiannya membuat siswa jenuh oleh setumpuk tugas, maka sudah seharusnya kita evaluasi bersama. Bagaimana caranya agar tugas-tugas itu tidak dianggap sebagai beban yang membatasi kreativitas berpikir siswa. Tetapi dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan diri. Semua itu tergantung prespektif siswa. Di sini guru berperan penting untuk memotivasi dan memberikan teladan yang baik kepada siswanya, agar kelas yang dikelolanya bisa menjadi kelas belajar yang menyenangkan.
Opini Duta Masyarakat

 *Tulisan ini dimuat di Duta Masyarakat pada Sabtu, 08 Desember 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Catatan Akhir Bulan (Oktober 2014)

By : A'inatul Mardliyah

Do what you love. In this month, i tried to do what i love. I tried to maximize my passion. Such as i loved English and in this month i tried to develop my english skill. I combined my passion in English with my obligation to write the notes. So, i wrote my notes with English. I do love it. Because it began with my own desire. Sometimes, the obligation that made by the other to me, it made me feel so bored and suppressed. Because it didn’t come from myself. And now, i can make it more interesting by combine it with my passion. I was happy, because of it, i had the work. In the next month, i want to increase my ability, so i make a target more than October’s target.
Do What you <3

Beside of it, i also made a list to do my targets. I wrote my targets or my tasks on the sticky notes. and i put it on my cupboard. Everynight,when i wanted to sleep, i could see it. So i would always remember it. There were priorities in every notes. So i knew what is the important one. I also wrote down my idea to be the next plan, so i didn’t lose my idea. Actually, i ever did it, i mean i ever wrote my targets or tasks, but i wrote it on the book. So, i must open my book when i want to know about it. Hufhht...

About my study, i felt very happy. Because i found the me \thod to make my material easier to understand. So i could explain my presentation well. Of course, i must learn my material before i presented it. But it became funnier because i learnt it with my way. Such as i said to you before, i tried to combined my obligation with my passion. So, it was like ididn’t do my tasks but my hobby.

From my story above, i make a conclusion. I must be more creative to solve my problem (obligations, tasks, or targets). I must find myown way to do it, so i don’t trapped in the bored activity and i can learn wisely. And in this note, i want to remember myself about my dreams. I musn’t be enjoy in this comfort zone and become forget about my dreams. I must try to challenge myself. So i can improve my quality self. And for me, don’t forget to manage the time. So the time doesn’t manage me. And the last but not least, don’t forget to pray. Pray for the success and for the parent. Because the effort is nothing without the pray.

Surabaya, November 4th, 2014

Catatan Mingguan (27 Oktober-02 November)

 Oleh : A'inatul Mardliyah

Family. FAther Mother I Love You. In this week, all i have is the affection from my family. In the beginning of this week, i was at home.
As i told you in the last note, i went home to celebrate “Tahun Baru Hijriyah” with my family, teachers, and friends. And i didn’t go back to Surabaya.until Monday. Whereas, i must prepare to deliver my presentation on Monday. I felt so tired, so i decided to stay at home. About presentation, i tried to prepared it before i go back to Surabaya.

When i delivered my presentation, i was confuse. I didn’t really understand about my material. Because all i know was just the theory. I didn’t know how to aplly it in the real life. Because i just had a little experience and knowledge about it. So, i just explained all i know. So limited. And can’t be understand. But i had tried to explain well, suitable with my reference. Even i had learnt well, i felt that my lecture didn’t like it.  He said that the material is too specific. Oke. Next time, i will learn again. And prepare it as good as i can. Semangaaat.... The other presentation was so amazing. Hehe... i was satisfied because i can do my presentation well.

In this week, there was the celebration of  “Sumpah Pemuda”. It was held by AMBISI. We did the reflection as a sign that we as the youth didn’t forget about our hero and our obligation to increase our quality for our future and our nation. We must remember that we had the great energy and great potency to strive for our better future. So, let’s use this gift well. I also did the reflection of  “Sumpah Pemuda” with LA. We shared our reflection each other. I hope that i can be the generation that can be prided. Aamiin...

I said that this week was full of the affection of my family. do you know why? Because my family; my mother, my sisters, and my brothers, they accompanied me to welcome my friends, LA community. For the first time, i introduced my family to LA. I do happy. I felt that i became the luckiest girl in this world, because i had a great family and great friends who care with me. Alhamdulillah....

When LA and i came to my home by the car, my neighbors became kepo. Hehe... one of them said, “What’s wrong? Lamaran, isn’t it?” GLODAK... Tired deh... heheyyy...

And.... the agenda in my home is.... intoduction. I introduced LA to my family and i introduced my family to LA. I also told to LA about my life story. I was happy, but my happiness didn’t complete. Because i remembered about my father. I do miss him. My beloved father, please pray for me. So i can be the good person who can help the others everywhere with my knowledge. You ever told me that i must reach my dream even if it was so high. And you remembered me how high i can be, the important one is the parent, the family. I will remember it. Always.

Surabaya, November 2nd, 2014

Catatan Mingguan (20-26 Oktober 2014)

By : A’inatul Mardliyah

The meaning of my life in this week...
I have a plan to live my life. Someone ever told me that thegood plan is the half of the success.
And i believe it. It is like we have thelamp in the dark road. More you have a good plan, more shine the lamp that youbring.
Do you agree with me?
So, i try to make the plan as good as i can. I try to learnwisely. I make my own map and walk away head for my destiny with my map.
Because, at the last time, i think that everyone have their own way to passtheir challenge.
And with my map, i try to face my challenge wisely.
I also realize that whatever the good plan that i make, theplan of God is more beautiful....

Yesterday, under the small tree, my teacher told me aboutthe great person. The great person is someone who wants to help the other.
Evenif it must be done in the small village that so far away or in the peripheralarea, etc. Have you ever watch the “Sokola Rimba” movie?
The movie told usabout the girl who wants to teach the children in the jungle. She fights forthe sake of the education of the children.
The people in the jungle dislike iftheir children learn. Because they believe that there will be the disease iftheir children learn.
But the girl can face the challenge.
She can make theparent believe that learn will make their children become smarter and theycan’t be deceived by the strange people that want to grab their area.

This is the inspiring movie. and it is suitable with myteacher’s said before.
I don’t know, can i be the great person? may be follow “IndonesiaMengajar” can be the way to be like that. But i think it over again.
Themeaning of the story is be useful for the society. There are many ways to doit. Not only like that story.
May be i can make my way to be the great person.I want to think it over again and make my plan.

My story....
There is the great day in this week. Exactly on the 25thOctober. It is called “Tahun Baru Hijriyah”.
The day is the first day inthe moslem calender. As moslem, my friends and i celebrated this day with“Istighosah” together.
We prayed to be the better person than before. Andbeside of it, i also came back to my home and celebrate the day with the“Kirab”.
The agenda is walk away around our village with the clothes thatsuitable with the theme. After that, we waited for the announcement.
The bestcostume will be the winner. It was so interestig. For me, the event can tightenthe brotherhood. The event is hold by my school.
So, i can visited my school,met my teachers and my friends to talk each other.
That’s all my stories. Hopefully, we can be the betterperson than before. And can be the great person.

Surabaya, 26th November 2014

Catatan Mingguan (13-19 Oktober 2014)

By : A’inatul Mardliyah

“Work hard is important, but work wisely is more important”

In this note, i will not tell my experiences. I just want to share about something that i learn in this week. Firstly, i will tell you a story about the competition of two men. They must fell the trees. One of them who can fell more, become the winner. The first man tried to fell all of the trees in front of him. When he had the rest time, he didn’t stop to fell the trees. All day and all night, he never stop. He just rest for a while. On the other hand, the second man also felled the trees. But when he had a rest time,he stop. And when the rest time was over, he continued his work seriously. And you know who win the competition? Yes, you are right. The winner was the second man.

Work Smarter, Not Harder
The first man become so sad. He felt that all of his effort become useless. But he didn’t understand why the second man can fell the trees more. Whereas, he wasted the time to fell the trees more than the second man.So, he asked to the second man. How can it be? The second man answered that he always sharpen his axe when he had a rest time. So, even if the first man didn’t rest, his axe become blunt. So it would decelerate his work. And the second man could do his work quickly. So... he could be the winner.

When i read this story, i remembered about myself. I ever inthe first man position. When i was a student at the elementary school, i wanted to success in my examination. So, i stayed up all night to read my book. But, i couldn’t answer the questions well. I forgot about all of the material that i read. How can it be? I felt so tired and i couldn’t concentrate. So, i couldn’t get my maximal scores. Oh... So sad. I don’t want to do it again. I want to be the second man who can finish his work wisely.

In this week, i have many task, but i didn’t feel so confuse. Because some of my task had done in the last month. I have calculated about it. If i did my task in the “last minute” time, i would be pressured. Because there would be many tasks that must be done. So, if i did my tasks one by one from the first, i wouldn’t find any difficulty in the future.  And i could do my targets in this month well. In the last month, i did my tasks until i forgot about my target. In this month, i would do my targets well and finished my other tasks. i thought that it was the best way for me to get my maximum yield.

I was inspired by someone in this week. I read about his experiences to get a scholarship.  About his way to learn. Yes, he had a theory to learn. It was amazing. And i have proved it with my friends. It will be the way to be the second man in the story above, work wisely. Trust me... Hehe..

Surabaya, October 19th, 2014.

Enjoyment of Youth

By : A’inatul Mardliyah

Our parents always give the best thing to their children. But sometimes, it looks like that they are over protective. When we are still young, they give us many rules that must be obeyed. And as the young generation we have our own world. We want to do something that we do love. We don’t want to obey our parent’s rules. We don’t want to be prohibited. So, we do something without ask any permission to our parents. I think all of us ever do like that.

Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
I ever watch the Indian movie.  The title is “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani”. The movie told us about the spirit of the youth. The main character, Bunny, told to his friends about his dreams. In his life, he wants to walk, run, fly, climb, dive, and fall. They want to do all of the challenging thing. But there is one activity that they don’t want to do, “STOP”. He doesn’t want to stop. One day, he got a scholarship to study in America. After that he got ajob as a camera man of the TV programme. The job required him to go around the world. So, the job is suitable with him. He can make his target to be true. His target is to go in many places in this world. I think Bunny represent the young generation. Bunny proves to himself that he can. Even if he must leave his father. His father gives Bunny permission to go abroad because he has a greatspirit. His father proud of Bunny because of his courage to reach his dreams.Until one day, his father passed away. And Bunny didn’t know about it. All of his family and his friends have tried to tell Bunny. But there was no respond from Bunny. Bunny knew about the information after some days later. And it was too late. Bunny felt so sad. May be he disappointed with himself. But Bunny still have the spirit. He didn’t want to live in the sadness. He tried to continue his life and pray for his father. I think, in the heaven, his father will be happy and pray for Bunny’s success.

After watching this movie, i think about myself. As a youth, i also have many dreams that i want to realize. I have my own world. I have my own dreams. Sometimes i tried to be selfish. I think how to be the wonderfull and success person without think about the other. I mean, i being selfish because i don’t want to do the plan of my family about me. I still obey to them. And i also show about my seriousness to reach my dreams to them.

I often know about the plan of the parents to their children. They tried to make their children’s life suitable with their plan. Sometimes, they forget about the plan of their children. As a youth, we have our own plan. But if the plan not suitable withour parent plan, it will be the fault.

Enjoyment of Youth
As the parent, they must realize about our dreams if we can prove our seriousness. For example, i have an experience about this stuff. Actually, when i told my dream to continue my study, my family still hesitate me. They afraid about my dream because it’s impossible to me. I have no preparation to continue my study. I mean, my family wanted me to stay at home and help my mother to do the housework. In that case,i being selfish. I think about my future. If i do what my family’s plan, i will stay at home for a long time and do nothing special. And they must ask me to married soon. No, i dislike that way. I have my own plan for my future.  Even if i ever think to do my family’s plan, but i think over again. So, i decided to fight my dreams. I show to my family, especially my mother about my seriousness. I enroll to some scholarships. At the day of the announcement, my mother one hundred-percent bolster me. She prayed for me. She wished that i accepted in one of the scholarships. And finally, iam here. As the student university in UINSA.

So, we can make a conclusion from this story. As a young generation, we must show our seriousness to reach ourdreams. The people who prohibite us to fight for our dreams, actually they are the challenge that sent down from God to test the seriousness of us. So, enjoy yourlife. Dream high.. Run away.. Fly high.. fall down... Don’t be affraid or even stop. Because if we have seriousness, the universe will pray for our success. Aamiin...

Listen this song, Ost. Dream High (English Version)
“I dream high, i am dreaming so high
When it gets tough, i am closing my eyes
Thinking all the memories, now i can see
This ain’t no fantasy, its reality

I can fly high, i know it someday
I can soar high, like clouds in the sky
I will spread my wings and fly above
Like no one else can be, higher than me before”

Surabaya, October 18th, 2014.

The Piece of Story

By : A’inatul Mardliyah

Tonight, i have a great story. I must do my task to be a resource person in Laskar Ambisius’s programme, “Kajian Keilmuan”. I decide to choose a material about “Anti-corruption Education”. Because education is my specification. I read some articles about it and i make a powerpoint presentation.

Beside of it, i must prepare my motivation material to be delivered to my friends. I choose motivation about “How to get scholarship to study abroad quickly”. I read an article in Kompasiana. The author is someone who get a schoolarship in University of Manchaster, UK.  His name is Budi Waluyo. He offers five tips to get a scholarship quickly. The first tip is “we must understand about the five requirements of scholarship and try to comply it”. The five requirements is : TOEFL, work experience, organization experience, publication, and planning research in the future.

The second tip is “we must make a good plan and preparation”. We must fill the application form of scholarship carefully. And try to do our plan earlier. Do not wait for the deadline. The third tip is “we must keep the good relation with our lecturer and our job leader”. Because we will need the recommendation letter from them to complete the application form. The fourth tip is “we must know about the kind of scholarship and choose the scholarship that suitable with us.” It is important, because there are many kinds of scholarship. And we must analyse it. So, we can be accepted. And the last but not least is “we must increase our ibadah’ and do not forget to keep praying.” Because our God will help us to make our dream come true. Aamiin.

From the article i learn about the process. There is no good result without good process. The author tell to us about his great plan and effort to make his dream to study abroad come true. He prepare all of his need for a long time. The other people just know about his succes but they do not know how hard he is trying.

My second obligation in Kajian Keilmuan is to deliver my learning material. Alhamdulillah... I am satisfied about my presentation tonight. My friend, Tutut, also delivers her presentation. She talks about “the disunity of ethnic”. Tutut says that we must keep our unity even if we live in the country wich is have multicultural ethnic. Because the differences is beautiful.

We have a guest from North University of Malaysia. Actually,he is from Sumenep, Madura. And he got a scholarship in Doctoral Programme. He shares about his experience. And we are very exited. Some of us ask to him. And he says that all of the pain is nothing. Because we must keep trying to reach our dream. And the important thing is “we must keep praying”. We call it as “jalur langit”. The impossible thing can be happenned if we ask for help to our God. And don’t forget to do the good deeds to our parent. It is the key of success.

Surabaya, October 7th, 2014

My Short Holiday (Eid-ul-Adha; Ainah’s Version)

By : A'inatul Mardliyah

Today is the great day. All of the moslem people celebrate Eid-ul-Adha. In the morning, they pray optional prayer, Eid-ul-Adha prayer. In my village, after praying together at 06.00 am,the men goes to the mosque. They do “tahlilan and shalawatan”. After that, they exchange their food that they bring to the other people. It is the tradition to tighten of the brotherhood. Then they go back to their home to breakfast together with their family. And some of them, go to cemetery to send their prayer for their family that have died.

All of the activity in Eid -ul-Adha still continue. There is a great event that must be done. It is called “Qurban”.The people who have “capability” to “ber-Qurban” must do it. Qurbanis dedication to the God (such as camel, cow, goat, etc. that was butchered).The meats of slaughtered animals will be shared to all of the people around of the place. From Qurban, we learn about “keikhlasan”. And Qurban is the way to be closer to the God.

My family and i celebrate Eid-ul-Adha in the home. My brothers and sisters who have married and live in the other home, they come to our sweet home to eat together. We cook the meat from theQurban’s committee. So, there are many foods that made from the meat. Like Satay, Gule, Fried Meat, etc. The foods are very delicious food in the world. Haha. Because we make it with “full of love”.

Sometimes, my friends and i have an agenda in the Eid-ul-Adha. The agenda is called “panggangan” or also known as “barbecue party”. We broil the meats to make Satay and Fried Meat. But i think there is no agenda in this year. So sad.

One of my activity today, my friends and i come together to our school. We discuss about our plan to hold ASEC (Assa’idiyahExpo Campus) 2015. Hopefully, ASEC 2015 will be successful. Aamiin.

Gresik, October 5th, 2014

Ainah's Evaluation and Resolution

By : A’inatul Mardliyah

This is the first day in October 2014. I make two targets. One of them is “writing something with English”. Imust write for more than 5 pages. I told the targets to my friends. Why do i choose this target? Because i don’t wanna make target that i can’t do. There is a middle exam in this month. So, i must fight for it. I think it’s a simple target. But i make sure that i can do more than my targets. I can do the best thing. If i always practice to write English, someday i won’t find any difficult stuff. English won’t be the strange language. It will be my second language.

My second target is “writing Kompas Kampus. And release in Kompas”. Although i always fail in the same effort. Whatever if i fail again, i’ll try it again. Until the fail being tired and don’t wanna follow me again. Be an optimist.

I tell you about my targets in the past September. I have four targets. My first target is reading “Suddenly, One Summer”. The author is Barbara Freethy. She is the best selling author in USA. I bought this novel when i was in Pare. Even if i don’t really under stand about the story, but i wanna make myself be familiar with the English novel. According to my experience in reading this novel, i think if i read slowly, ijust understand a little bit. But if i read it fastly, i become understandabout something that the author want to tell to the reader. I don’t need to stop if i find the unknown word for me. I just read it. But, in the middle of the month, i forgot about this target. I forgot about all of my targets. In my mind,i just thought about my tasks. i couldn’t do the other thing if i still have an obligation that must to be done. So, i did my tasks. i forgot that i have a target to finish my novel. i just read it until 54th pages.
My second target is “writing opinion and short story”. I don’t do this target. I just wrote a short story,and i’m not finish it yet. So, i failed. And the third target is “learning English”. I have done this target. But i learn English not because of my target. I also forgot about it. I think learn English is my need. I have a dream to study abroad, so i must mastering English. There is a good news about study abroad. My university open up the registration to KKN in Thailand. And one of the requirement is mastering English and Arabic. This occasion is just for the 7th semester. I can prepare myself from now. So, i can accepted in that programme. Aamiin.
The fourth or the last target is writing Kompas Kampus. About this target, i actually don’t forget. But i confuse how to write it. My netbook is borrowed by my little brother. He need it to finish his tasks. But i can’t make this to be my reason. I still can borrow netbook to my friends. But i didn’t do it. I just write one argumentation about the foreign countries food. And i send it to Kompas Kampus. I wish that my argumentation can be released in the next week. Aamiin.. Talking about my little brother, i’ve promised to him that i’ll let him to use thenetbook. I wanna help him. I’m very happy when i knew that he is accepted in Unesa. So, i will do the best thing that i can do for him.
If i must make a conclusion about my September’s targets, i will say that i fail. I don’t focus to do my targets. I forget it. It’s the bad experience. I must learn from this fail. I don’t wanna repeat it. Hopefully, my October’s target will be succesfull. Aamiin..

Niente Senza Gioia : There is no day without happiness.
Be happy, Keep smile, baby.... :)
Surabaya, October 1st, 2014

HARKITNAS; Pekikan Semangat LA

Oleh : A’inatul Mardliyah
Sang ambisius yang selalu berkobar semangat kembali berkumpul dalam acara refleksi Hari Kebangkitan Nasional (Harkitnas), Senin 20 Mei 2013, kami para ambisius sadar bahwa Harkitnas merupakan cikal bakal kemerdekaan Indonesia. Maka, kami Laskar Ambisius ikut meramaikan Harkitnas, seraya mendalami apa makna Harkitnas untuk bangsa Indonesia.
Tepatnya pukul 20.00 kegiatan dimulai. Dikomando secara langsung oleh Masduri, sang ambisius yang notabenennya adalah penulis kontemporer, dia membuka acara dengan semangat berapi-api, seperti halnya 105 tahun lalu Bung Boedi Oetomo menyerukan bangsa Indonesia untuk bangkit, yaitu membangkitkan semangat persatuan, kesatuan dan nasionalisme diikuti dengan kesadaran untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan republik Indonesia. Acara malam itu dimulai dengan menyanyikan tiga lagu pembongkar semangat. Lagu pertama adalah Indonesia Raya, lagu kebangsaan tersebut kami persembahkan untuk negara tercinta, Indonesia, bukti bahwa kita bangsa Indonesia yang cinta tanah air dan penghargaan kepada W.R. Supratman atas karya fenomenalnya untuk bangsa dan negara. Lagu kedua yaitu lagu yang merupakan bukti eksisistensi kita sebagai mahasiswa IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya yang siap bangkit menjadi manusia yang pantas diharapkan bangsa,  Mars IAIN. Lagu terakhir yang kami senandungkan adalah lagu pembangkit semangat dengan untaian syairnya yang lugas dan mendayu-dayu, Mars Ambisi. Semua dari kami menyanyikan tiga lagu kebangsaan itu dengan hikmat.
Acara dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan teks pidato Hari Kebangkitan Nasional 2013 oleh Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika RI Tifatul Sembiring yang dismpaikan oleh sahabat Siti Hasanatut Tholibah, sang ambisius, dialah sang deklamator kebanggaan Laskar Ambisius. Inilah teks pidato tersebut:

KE-105 TAHUN 2013

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua.

Saudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air.
Marilah kita memanjatkan puji dan syukur ke hadirat Allah swt, Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa,  karena atas perkenan dan ridho-Nya, seluruh bangsa Indonesia, masih diberikan limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya untuk memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional yang ke 105 tahun 2013.
Mengapa penting memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional ini? Dengan memahami sejarah, maka hal ini akan menanamkan etos perjuangan bagi generasi berikutnya. Yaitu perjuangan bangsa Indonesia ke depan untuk menjadi negara maju, modern, adil, dan sejahtera. Inilah cita-cita bersama yang mesti diwujudkan.
Melalui peringatan Harkitnas ini, marilah kita kenang kembali bagaimana semangat perjuangan The Founding Fathers kita, untuk diambil sebagai teladan bagi generasi muda. Mereka telah berjuang tanpa pamrih, penuh pengorbanan, kesabaran dan keberanian mengusir penjajah dari bumi pertiwi ini.
Bagaimana para pejuang telah berhasil membangun kebersamaan dan persatuan antar elemen bangsa. Mengedepankan dialog yang konstruktif bagi pemecahan persoalan bangsa yang dihadapi kala itu. Sehingga problem-problem pelik dibidang politik, ekonomi maupun sosial bangsa ini dapat terpecahkan.
Lihatlah bagaimana mereka telah menorehkan tinta emas sejarah pada Kebangkitan Nasional 20 Mei 1908, berlanjut dengan penggalangan Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 1928 yang akhirnya berbuah manis pada hari Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945.
Nilai–nilai Harkitnas tersebut  masih relevan sepanjang masa yaitu membangun dan memelihara kebersamaan dan  persatuan, para pemuda berhimpun dalam organisasi tanpa menonjolkan semangat kedaerahan. Perjuangan para mahasiswa terumuskan dalam ikrar:  satu nusa, satu bangsa, dan satu bahasa. Sebuah gagasan agung yang begitu brilian.
Saudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air.
Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia belum lagi berakhir. Perjuangan ini adalah abadi, untuk menuju Indonesia maju dan modern. Berkeadilan, sejahtera, berdemokrasi serta bermartabat.
Tantangan yang dihadapi pada abad ke-21 ini bukan lagi dalam bentuk penjajahan, tetapi berupa globalisasi. Akan diuji daya saing dan keunggulan bangsa ini ditengah-tengah ajang kompetisi antar bangsa. Kondisi di mana tapal batas antar-negara seolah pupus. Dimensi ruang dan waktu seakan runtuh. Dunia seakan terasa datar, menjadi satu kesatuan.
Momentun Harkitnas ini harus mampu melecut kembali nilai kebersamaan sebagai bangsa dalam menghadapi globalisasi dengan menggelorakan rasa bangga dan Cinta Tanah Air.
Generasi muda harus menjadi pejuang dan petarung yang tangguh bagi kejayaan bangsa. Karena sesungguhnya kita semua telah mewarisi darah dan jantung para pejuang yang gagah berani melawan musuh penjajah.
Tidak ada bangsa yang akan maju tanpa perjuangan keras. Tidak ada bangsa yang akan maju tanpa pengorbanan. Dan Tuhan tidak akan merubah nasib suatu bangsa, kecuali mereka berusaha merubah diri mereka masing-masing.
Saudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air.
Banyak para pejuang bangsa hari ini, yang Insya Allah tetap setia berkarya dibarisan para pembangun negeri ini. Lihatlah para anggota TNI/POLRI yang menjalankan tugas di daerah perbatasan untuk menegakkan kedaulatan wilayah Indonesia. Para guru, bidan maupun dokter yang berbakti sampai ke daerah-daerah terpencil. Para PNS yang bekerja disemua bidang pemerintahan, baik pusat maupun daerah. Para pekerja swasta, para relawan yang telah berjuang dengan tulus dan ikhlas, membangun bangsa ini dalam kebersamaan dan persatuan.
Saudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air.
Tentu kita semua berharap, agar setiap elemen meletakkan kepentingan bangsa dan negara di atas kepentingan kelompok,  sehingga kebahagiaan bersama dapat kita raih.
Semoga dengan nilai-nilai  Harkitnas mampu dirakit menjadi perahu kokoh untuk mendekatkan bangsa Indonesia menjadi lebih maju dan lebih modern dalam bingkai Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Sekian. Terima kasih.

Lari tertatih pasangan angsa
Ditepi sawah berliku-liku
Mari raih kejayaan Bangsa
Bekerjasama bahu membahu
Sekian. Terima kasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warakhmatullahi Wabarokhatuh.
Jakarta, 20 Mei 2013.

Para ambisius sangat menikmati dan menghayati tiap kata yang diucapkan oleh pembaca teks pidato harkitnas 2013.
Selanjutnya, satu persatu dari kami merefleksikan makna dibalik Harkitnas menurut persepsi masing-masing serta menyampaikan pesan-pesan untuk sahabat-sahabat ambisius supaya tidak lengah untuk menghadapi dunia hari ini dan esok.
Berbagai macam persepsi sang ambisius kami dengarkan dengan baik. Didukung dengan latar belakang, cara berfikir, dan keahlian yang berbeda-beda, kami mengutarakan apapun yang ada dibenak masing-masing dengan bahasa dan tinjauan aspek yang berbeda. Sebagian dari kami ada yang memaknai bahwa Harkitnas adalah hari di mana bangsa Indonesia harus bangkit, sebagian lainya berargumen bahwa kebangkitan bangsa dimulai dari pribadi masing-masing, jika setiap individu dalam negara ini bisa membangkitkan dirinya sendiri dari keterpurukan, maka itulah awal dari suksesnya kebangkitan nasional. Sebagian menyikapi Harkitnas dengan menggebu-gebu, beberapa lainnya menyikapi dengan santai namun pasti.
Sebelum mengakhiri acara malam itu, kembali lagi Masduri menanyakan mimpi kami untuk go abroad, dengan tegas kami menjawab kemana kelak mimpi-mimpi itu akan kami labuhkan. Semoga esok para ambisius dapat menjejakkan kaki di atas ranah negara-negara bagian Amerika, Eropa, Australia, Afrika. Aamiin.
Dan acara malam itu kami akhiri dengan pekikan kata “BANGKIT” berkali-kali, dengan intonasi yang begitu membara, bukti bahwa kita siap mengabdi kepada bangsa dan negara dengan menjunjung tinggi rasa nasionalis-patriotisme.
Semoga proses ini dapat membawa berkah bagi sang ambisius untuk bangsa di masa mendatang. Aamiin..
Surabaya, 20 Mei 2013